Adds 3D polygons to the current scene, using latitude/longitude or coordinates in the reference system defined by the extent object.

  color = "red",
  top = 1,
  bottom = NA,
  data_column_top = NULL,
  data_column_bottom = NULL,
  heightmap = NULL,
  scale_data = 1,
  parallel = FALSE,
  holes = 0,
  alpha = 1,
  lit = TRUE,
  light_altitude = c(45, 30),
  light_direction = c(315, 135),
  light_intensity = 0.3,
  light_relative = FALSE,
  clear_previous = FALSE



`sf` object, "SpatialPolygon" `sp` object, or xy coordinates of polygon represented in a way that can be processed by `xy.coords()`. If xy-coordinate based polygons are open, they will be closed by adding an edge from the last point to the first.


Either an object representing the spatial extent of the 3D scene (either from the `raster`, `terra`, `sf`, or `sp` packages), a length-4 numeric vector specifying `c("xmin", "xmax", "ymin", "ymax")`, or the spatial object (from the previously aforementioned packages) which will be automatically converted to an extent object.


Default `black`. Color of the polygon.


Default `1`. Extruded top distance. If this equals `bottom`, the polygon will not be extruded and just the one side will be rendered.


Default `0`. Extruded bottom distance. If this equals `top`, the polygon will not be extruded and just the one side will be rendered.


Default `NULL`. A string indicating the column in the `sf` object to use to specify the top of the extruded polygon.


Default `NULL`. A string indicating the column in the `sf` object to use to specify the bottom of the extruded polygon.


Default `NULL`. Automatically extracted from the rgl window--only use if auto-extraction of matrix extent isn't working. A two-dimensional matrix, where each entry in the matrix is the elevation at that point. All points are assumed to be evenly spaced.


Default `1`. If specifying `data_column_top` or `data_column_bottom`, how much to scale that value when rendering.


Default `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, polygons will be extruded in parallel, which may be faster (depending on how many geometries are in `polygon`).


Default `0`. If passing in a polygon directly, this specifies which index represents the holes in the polygon. See the `earcut` function in the `decido` package for more information.


Default `1`. Transparency of the polygons.


Default `TRUE`. Whether to light the polygons.


Default `c(45, 60)`. Degree(s) from the horizon from which to light the polygons.


Default `c(45, 60)`. Degree(s) from north from which to light the polygons.


Default `0.3`. Intensity of the specular highlight on the polygons.


Default `FALSE`. Whether the light direction should be taken relative to the camera, or absolute.


Default `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, it will clear all existing polygons.


if(run_documentation()) {
#Render the county borders as polygons in Monterey Bay
montereybay %>%
  sphere_shade(texture = "desert") %>%
  add_shadow(ray_shade(montereybay,zscale = 50)) %>%
  plot_3d(montereybay, water = TRUE, windowsize = 800, watercolor = "dodgerblue")
render_camera(theta = 140,  phi = 55, zoom = 0.85, fov = 30)

#We will apply a negative buffer to create space between adjacent polygons. You may 
#have to call `sf::sf_use_s2(FALSE)` before running this code to get it to run.
mont_county_buff = sf::st_simplify(sf::st_buffer(monterey_counties_sf,-0.003), dTolerance=0.001)

                extent = attr(montereybay,"extent"), top = 10,
                parallel = FALSE)
#> `montereybay` dataset used with no zscale--setting `zscale=50`.  For a realistic depiction, raise `zscale` to 200.
#> Warning: st_buffer does not correctly buffer longitude/latitude data
#> dist is assumed to be in decimal degrees (arc_degrees).
#> Warning: st_simplify does not correctly simplify longitude/latitude data, dTolerance needs to be in decimal degrees
#> Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `mesh_info`.
#> Error in t.default(mesh$vertices): argument is not a matrix
if(run_documentation()) {
#We can specify the bottom of the polygons as well. Here I float the polygons above the surface
#by specifying the bottom argument. We clear the previous polygons with `clear_previous = TRUE`.
render_camera(theta=-60,  phi=20, zoom = 0.85, fov=0)
                extent = attr(montereybay,"extent"), bottom = 190, top=200,
#> Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `mesh_info`.
#> Error in t.default(mesh$vertices): argument is not a matrix
if(run_documentation()) {
#We can set the height of the data to a column in the sf object: we'll use the land area.
#We'll have to scale this value because its max value is 2.6 billion:
render_camera(theta=-60,  phi=60, zoom = 0.85, fov=30)
                extent = attr(montereybay, "extent"), data_column_top = "ALAND",
                scale_data = 300/(2.6E9), color = "chartreuse4",
                clear_previous = TRUE)
#> Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `mesh_info`.
#> Error in t.default(mesh$vertices): argument is not a matrix
if(run_documentation()) {
#This function also works with `render_highquality()`
render_highquality(samples = 128, clamp_value = 10, sample_method="sobol_blue",
                   min_variance = 0)